Van Sales Automation Software

Sales and distribution is turning extensively complex each and every day. With increasing demands and widening product diversification, the problem of stock management of the transit goods is deepening day by day

With Van Sales Automation, you can pass on every crucial information with everyone involved in the sales channel easily, thus eliminating any sort of information gaps. Also, the remote billing feature limits the dependency on the paperwork.

Now plan and execute the inventory on the go with our Van Sales Automation feature which lets you stock up, generate the invoice of the goods present in the van by just a click. From dispatch to the remote bill generation till the delivery you can now have all the details right at your fingertips.

  • Faster order fulfillment
  • Live Tracking
  • Real time communication
  • Remote billing
  • Live van inventory
  • E- Proof Of Delivery
Van Sales Management
Van Sales Management

Routing || Loading || Distribution || Sales

With mobile integrated software to adopt automation is van sales processes from loading till sales including returns. Capture Real-time inventory with reporting for all the transactions which connects the driver, back office, and the sales team seamlessly.
Van Sales Management
Real Time Van Inventory Management
Real Time Van Inventory Management

Inventory Updates || Seamless Communication || Live tracking

Enables to effectively manage and control existing stock in the van for each transaction. Real-time visibility of the inventory on each van and in every warehouse
Real Time Van Inventory Management
Remote Billing & Invoice Generation
Remote Billing & Invoice Generation

App base billing || Invoice Generations || Payments Collection

Mobile App base billing and invoice generation which caters all the requirements while selling through van. Also collects payments on the spots and maintain all the records.
Remote Billing & Invoice Generation
Faster Order Fulfilment
Faster Order Fulfilment

Secondary orders || Instant Fulfilment || EPOD

Achieve efficiency and customer satisfaction by fulfilling orders on time by understanding market dynamics proactively.
Faster Order Fulfilment

Streamline Your Business Processes And Optimise Business Execution